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SATs or Standard Assessment Tests are used to evaluate your child’s educational progress at the end of years 2 and 6. They make comparisons between children against the average attainment expectations for their respective age group.

Key Stage 1 SATs take place at the end of the infants stage in the May of year 2. The assessments are carried out by the child’s teacher and evaluate ability in reading, writing, spelling, handwriting, mathematics (number, shape, space and measurement). The teacher will set short pieces of work in English and Mathematics to support the evaluation process.

Key Stage 2 SATs are a more formal process than Key Stage 1 and take place in the May of Year 6. The tests cover the core subjects, English (reading and writing) and Mathematics. The papers are sent away to be marked externally with results being available before your child leaves primary school in July.

Meetings with parents to look at past tests papers and talk through how SATs are delivered at Latton Green will take place earlier in the school year. KS1 meetings are on the Thursday 16th January and KS2 on the Friday 17th January.

Timetable for tests 2019-20

KS1 tests will take place in May 2020

KS2 tests are timetabled for Monday 11th- Thursday 14th May 2020